In Good Company

Last Sunday we got to hear from Lyndon DoJohn of GAiN Ministries sharing about his many experiences and how the love of Jesus has impacted his life.

He shared a quote from a book that he had read that stood out to me:

Following Jesus is not about the scenery but about the company.” 

My interpretation of this quote is that sometimes we have unrealistic expectations when we  follow Jesus. Sometimes our focus is on where we are going rather than who we are going there with or even who is with us. 

I know for myself I used to think that following Jesus meant that He was going to take me to places I’ve never been before and that I would see the most incredible things because I’m choosing to follow Jesus. I was not wrong in this thinking as God has taken me to different parts of the world through mission work that allowed me to see some incredible things because I chose to follow Jesus. Where I was wrong in my thinking was that following Jesus was only about mountain top moments and signs and wonders. I had associated following Jesus with the scenery and so when the scenery changed (COVID) I thought surely this won’t last…

Fast forward 2 years and the scenery stayed much less the same. Following Jesus became rather dull and mundane, falling into routines that gave no life. I was too busy focusing on what was going on around me rather than appreciating who was with me. Covid exposed the expectations and ideas I had about following Jesus and who He was. I went through valleys and mountain tops giving me different perspectives on life but what really became evident through those times was that Jesus was with me and my relationship with Him was more important than anywhere I could go. Whether I was down in the dumps, having little to no hope in the possibility of a change or whether I was up and in high spirits, Jesus was there with me.

As we’re coming out of Covid, I’m reminded of the importance of good company. I’ve had the privilege of going to church in person during most of Covid and even though it was depressing to see the church empty, having little to no human contact, knowing that I was in good company kept my spirits high. Having good company can make a world of difference.

I want to encourage you today that following Jesus is all about the company. Having Jesus by your side can make a world of difference regardless of your scenery. In Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) it says “6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” When you choose to follow Jesus, though things may change for the worse or for the better, Jesus is still keeping you company. As we continue to follow Jesus and appreciate His presence in our lives, our relationship with Him will strengthen and grow because we know the company we are in.