It Takes A Family

During our Sunday Celebration last weekend, I had a chance to update the church family about some of the things that we’ve been involved in both locally and abroad. Last month, Arthur and Leona shared about their Thailand trip and the connections they made with the local people. They shared about a site in Chiang Klang that had limited access to a stable and clean water supply. This past week, four large plastic cisterns were delivered to this site that were provided by our team, which would allow the people to have better access to cleaner water.

I also shared about our involvement with the Food Hub, a local food bank in the Willowdale area. Last summer, the Food Hub had to close one of their two rooms, the pantry room, because of a lack of donations of pantry room items. LifeSpring was able to donate two small wagons of pantry items last month, and thankfully they were able to keep the pantry room open for their July food distribution. We plan to donate another two wagons of items for the August distribution, in hopes that they’ll be able to stay open this month as well.

LifeSpring family, we are blessed to be a blessing. God continues to open doors for us to reach out to others, and our Family Weekend a week ago was no exception. As I reflected on some of the things I learned over the weekend, a few key ideas came to mind.

First, proximity changes everything. I think some of the greatest moments last weekend were the opportunities to hear the stories of our speaker as well as some of his friends. Many of us are familiar with the idea of the persecuted church, the 300 million Christians worldwide who live in situations of persecution. However, it was through the firsthand stories we heard that God started to shift our hearts. I think that through the fellowship and testimonies of those who have suffered for their faith, God is planting seeds within our own hearts.

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”

– Romans 12:13

I think one of the things that will be important for us moving forward is hospitality. I think one of the most important things about hospitality for LifeSpring is realizing that it takes the whole family. I think this was demonstrated so well at Family Weekend. We saw parents reaching out to other parents, our Wildfire youth reaching out to other youth, and even the youngest kids reaching out to the grandparents generation.

“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.”

– Romans 12:4-6,

Showing good hospitality requires the whole family using all the talents and treasures God has given us to genuinely care for others. God has given us all unique gifts. There are ways that grandparents can show hospitality that youth cannot. There are ways kids can show hospitality that parents cannot, and there are ways that youth show hospitality that only they can do. It will take all of us, working together as one family of Christ, using the gifts and grace that God has given us, to show authentic hospitality toward others.

“Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other.”

– Romans 12:10

The LifeSpring family was never meant to be stagnant. We are to continuously welcome others into the family, showing genuine care for others and genuine love for God. May we consistently put our ear to the Lord as He teaches us how to be the best at honoring others.