Jesus Came To…

We had the privilege of having Lyndon Dojohn from GAiN come and speak to the Lifespring family for our Sunday Celebration. A man who has pastored for over 30 years and continues to love Jesus with his entire life. As Lyndon was sharing, he spoke a line that resonated with me:

Jesus came to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed.”

I felt God highlighting this line over and over and I just could not shake it. I felt that this line truly summed up what God wanted to speak over the Lifespring family.

Jesus Came to Disturb the Comfortable
As a church family we have recognized that we are truly blessed. We have seen the goodness of God and the grace of God all over our lives. But are these blessings simply to ensure our comfort? Certainly not!

We say it over and over – we are blessed to be a blessing. How we become a blessing will change all the time. At times he will demand our finances, our time, our talent, our treasure, our heart. No matter the HOW, God has called us to be a blessing. Let us give God permission to disturb us in our comfort for His Name’s Sake.

Jesus Came to Comfort the Disturbed
If you are reading this and are in a rough place right now – please read this carefully – Jesus loves you, He cares for you, He is there to comfort you. Call, text, email a pastoral team or Lifegroup leader, lets get through it together.

Comfort comes in many ways. Sometimes it looks like a church around the world raising funds so that your community can have access to clean water. Sometimes it looks like a care package with supplies to help care for your family. Sometimes it looks like a conference where people share their struggles and victories in marriage in hopes to help your own marriage. Sometimes it’s a hug, a prayer, a word of encouragement.

Comfort comes in many ways – be one of those ways.

Father God, you are so good. We don’t know every plan and every situation, we don’t know what our small acts of obedience can do – but we believe in a God who holds the whole world in His hands. Would you comfort those who are in need of comfort and if it is your will – use us to be that comfort. Amen.