Keep On Going

What an amazing presence of God all throughout Sunday Celebration. From worship, to Sari’s testimony, to Donna – there was a tangible and thick presence of God. A presence in which one could rest and stay in – a presence in which it seems all troubles and challenges fade away – a presence in which the peace of God fills you right up. And when the final prayers are lifted, the joy of community fades, and work/responsibilities come rushing back… we are right back into the thick of things.

As Donna was speaking, she spoke from Genesis 26 and I wanted to share some simple notes that I felt God wanted to highlight for the church family.

vs 1 – God speaks to Isaac, giving him direction
vs 2-16 – many problems
vs 17 – God fulfills what he spoke to Isaac in vs 1
vs 18-21 – many problems
vs 22 – breakthrough

When God speaks – it is already done. However, when God speaks – it is simply the beginning of the faith journey. Isaac was given clear direction from God – yet faced tremendous problems. When Isaac saw the promise come to pass he must have felt, finally things are turning my way. Yet he continued to face tremendous problems.

God has called this church family A Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others. Sometimes I think God has spoken and therefore it is simply done – I often forget about the journey along the way… many problems

Why do I fight with my spouse?
Why do I quickly lose patience with my children?
Why do I give into temptation?
Why do I get so easily offended?
Why do I have negative thoughts?
Why do I worry about my finances?
Why… Why… Why…

I was so encouraged by Donna when she said, God’s assignment guarantees contention. I don’t think challenge can be avoided (look at Isaac) – but it can and will be overcome if we simply KEEP ON GOING. God loves this church and God loves you. What He has spoken is already done. There are discouragements and bumps along the way, but KEEP ON GOING.

Please know, even Jesus needed help carrying His cross. If you need help, please reach out to the pastoral team or your life group leader. You are in a Kingdom family – you don’t need to go through it alone.