Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God, Genuine Care for Others

Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God, Genuine Care for Others

Having Donna come speak to the Lifespring family is always such a blessing. There are so many “nuggets” of gold (words of wisdom) as she speaks and in doing so we will all be encouraged and challenged in some way.

As Donna was sharing yesterday, I felt the Holy Spirit focus my attention on what I believe God wants to build up in the house of Lifespring. In 2019 – Wanda Foss helped to put words into what we already knew. Lifespring is a Kingdom Family. A family that has a Genuine Love for God and a Genuine Care for Others.

Yesterday, Donna challenged us to focus and be intentional on the things of God. She challenged us that even though we are surrounded by negativity, suffering, and despair – we are to set our minds on the things above – we are to see and think how God sees and thinks.

Life can be difficult. In fact, one of the ways the enemy comes against the saints is to “wear them down”. We can trudge through life, doing what we are supposed to do, living how we are told to live, and acting the way we are expected to act. Basically, we can start “playing” Christian in our lives without even knowing it.

God is calling Lifespring to be the Huios (mature sons). Being mature allows the water of life to flow in us and through us (Holy Spirit). This call on the family of Lifespring will not work if we are simply playing “Christian”. Playing the role is no longer adequate for the call God has on this house.

God is calling us to GENUINELY Love God and to GENUINELY Care for Others.

Start somewhere – last night, as a routine I help brush my children’s teeth and pray for them individually as they go to bed. With the help of the Holy Spirit, last night was not just a systematic chore or duty, there was a genuine love and care in doing what must be done.

To be honest, it didn’t look different. But it felt different and knew there was a difference. That is where I trust the Holy Spirit is pouring into them much more than I could even imagine.

Father God, thank you for using Donna to challenge the Lifespring family. Thank you for reminding us and pushing us to be who you have called us to be. To Genuinely Love God & Others. I pray that we would be sensitive to your Holy Spirit, living from a higher place, pouring out in ways we never thought we could. Holy Spirit we give you permission to grow us to be genuine. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.