Know the Season

We had the privilege of hearing from Peggy Leung share her testimony and how God has been working in her family’s life.

As Peggy was sharing, she showed a picture of the lifecycle of a butterfly and the different seasons of life (Caterpillar – Cocoon – Butterfly). And she said something that I felt the Lord wanted to highlight: “The caterpillar does not try to be the butterfly and the butterfly does not try to be the caterpillar”. How strange and devastating it would be if the caterpillar jumped from the tree in hopes it would fly. How sad it would look if a beautiful butterfly simply crawled on the ground.

Knowing the season is part of maturity. When we recognize and hear from God – he directs us in the paths we should go. No one can simply tell you what to do – only Father God truly knows His plans for your life.

Moses was sent to Pharoah to “let my people go”!, but he fought with God telling him that he was not the right man, that he could not do it, that he was not ready! He told God, this is not my season! Yet God said GO.

David loved God so much, he desperately wanted to build a temple to God – a temple so big and so beautiful that the whole world would take notice! He wanted to build a temple in honour of God, to praise Him, to give Him glory, for all good reasons! Yet God said NO, it is not for David to build. In essence, it is not in David’s season to build the temple.

Knowing your season can mean action, it can also mean inaction. But the bottomline is that He directs us in every season. Putting your ear to God is the only way to know the season for you.

Let us not be a church that works for favour, but let us be a church that responds to the season that God puts us in. By faith we hear him, by faith we believe him, by faith we obey him. Let us be a church that hears God and lives by faith – corporately as a church and individually as people who love God.