
Dear LifeSpring Family,

Dorothy and I are responding to P2C’s call to prayer and fasting for this 40 Days of Lent. I did not know that the 40 Days of Lent does not include Sundays. Below is the first Sunday of Lent devotions from CRU International.

It’s Sunday — a day to rest.

Did you know that ever since Jesus died and rose again, each Sunday is like a mini Easter? In addition to resting, like God commanded in the Old Testament, the first Christians remembered and celebrated Christ’s resurrection every single week.

Today, God invites you to celebrate and rest in the finished work of Christ — for you and for everyone who trusts in Him.”

Dorothy and I are so thankful that at LifeSpring we celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday. And that every Sunday we “proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes”. Dorothy and I are encouraged, even in the midst of what we see around us by the truth that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming again and He is never late.

Be encouraged and join us every Sunday in celebrating the Lord’s death and resurrection until He comes.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

His Name