Make Every Effort (2021)

Make Every Effort (2021)

Over the past 2 years, God has been taking us on the following journey:

2019: Intimacy (3 Ps – Prayer (Persona), Prayer (Corporate), Prayer (Earnest))

2020: Maturity (3 Gs – Give, Go, Grow)

As we look to 2021, this is what we felt the Lord put on our hearts.

2021: Make Every Effort

God continues to call the Lifespring family to be the Huios (mature sons). We have seen tremendous victories in hearing God and growth in the spirit. But we recognize that if we are truly called to be the Huios we need to press in and not stand back.

Jacob wrestled with God and held on to Him. He would not let go until He blessed Him! Jacob “made every effort” to pursue God. And in return Jacob became Israel.

In contrast when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments, the Israelites saw God and were afraid. So much so that they didn’t want to draw near to Him and asked that Moses be the one to speak with God. This entire generation wandered the desert until death.

I believe God is giving us an option – choose to contend for Him (like Jacob), or settle and stand back (like Israel at Mount Sinai). The clear answer is to be like Jacob. But the difficult part is to be like Jacob. He wrestled with God all night and after the encounter forever had a limp. Pursuing God is not always the easy way – but it is God’s way.

Father help us to be a church family that pursues you with all our heart, soul, and mind. May we make every effort to draw near to you as you continuously and always draw near to us. I pray we never settle for what is good, but always desire what is GOD. We love you. In Jesus’ name. Amen