Make Every Effort – Mind, Body, Spirit

Make Every Effort – Mind, Body, Spirit

I believe we have all come to know that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God. We know that it is the first and greatest commandment, yet how we do so is oftentimes the biggest challenge.

As Paul once said it so eloquently, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”.

Yesterday, Karyne spoke and shared how God has been teaching her how to love Him with her Mind, Body, and Spirit. Take a look at the highlights and give an ear to the Lord. Let Him speak.

How do We Change the Way We Think?

  1. Filling our minds with Truths
    • Read and memorize Scripture!
  1. Exercising Choice and Choosing God / Godly things
    • Making good choices. Choosing God even before the “important” things in life
  1. Training our minds to think as Jesus thinks
    • Capture your thoughts – engage in listening prayer. A rule of thumb if your thoughts are overtaking you – pray about it, more than you think about it.


2 Corinthians 5:15 (NLV): 15 Christ died for everyone so that they would live for Him. They should not live to please themselves but for Christ Who died on a cross and was raised from the dead for them.

The entire world has told us to “do what we want”, “do what makes you feel good”, “follow your passions”, etc. Although this may seem like good advice and a path to happiness – can we find this in the Bible?

The world says a lot of things… make sure you know what the Bible says. Being a living sacrifice doesn’t sound like “do what you want” to me.


1 John 4:19 “we love because He first loved us”

My understanding of loving the Lord with all of our Spirit, is loving God with a Heart that is Healed and Whole. God’s love changed my life, and enabled me to love myself, Him and others. We can love God with all our heart, by allowing ourselves to be loved by Him — only in this way will we know what true love (not fairy tale true love, but TRUE love, sacrificial love) is. We can only learn about love from its source — and God is love, the originator and creator of love.

Look in the mirror… be happy with what you see!