Make Every Effort to Walk Faithfully with God

Make Every Effort to Walk Faithfully with God

Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.

Genesis 6:9

In December 2020, Gabe challenged us all at Lifespring to fast and seek God’s will during the month of January 2021. It didn’t take too long for me to recognize that I was spending too much time watching Netflix. It started out as something for me to do together with Brenda. But I knew it was getting out of hand when I was going to bed later and later. I knew that God was telling me to stop. But I kept pushing it off. Just one more episode, I kept saying to myself… I need to finish this mini-series first!

January 2021 came, and I knew that the time had come to act. So I did. Thankfully, Brenda also joined me in the Netflix fast. Good thing too, otherwise it would have been tough. It is hard to be fasting something and seeing someone else enjoy that exact same thing you are fasting from.

As the days passed, I felt my spirit becoming more alert. And I realized that the Enemy had been distracting me from my relationship with God. I’m not saying that watching Netflix is a sin. But I it was taking up too much of my time. And it was eating away at my time with God.

I started attending BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) in December 2020 as I felt that God wanted me to spend more time reading the bible. I felt that I needed the discipline of having a structured daily bible reading plan. And it helps me to have others to keep me accountable to this.

I thank God that Brenda has been attending BSF since 2012. Now, instead of just bonding over K-dramas on Netflix, we also spend our time in a more meaningful way, sharing and reflecting upon how God’s word is speaking to us personally as we study the same bible text in BSF. 😊


  1. How is your relationship with God? Are you making every effort to walk faithfully with God?
  2. Is there anything that is distracting you from walking closely with God?
  3. Is God asking you to do something to improve your relationship with Him?
  4. Spend some time in listening prayer.