Maturity: Make Every Effort

Maturity: Make Every Effort

What a great privilege it was to have Leona Lee, our Chair of the Board of Directors, share with the church family. Her testimony, journey, and continued story is a testimony of loving God and making every effort to live it out daily.

In our journey of maturity we begin to see the things that are not aligned to God (Psalm 139:23-24), we begin to be sensitive to His voice and his convictions of where we need to align with Him, we begin to recognize how we are supposed to think and live (Philippians 4:8). All of these things are part of the maturing process to refine us to be Christ like! It is not a life of guilt, it is a life of conviction! In fact, a live of conviction is proof that there is life with the Spirit!

Yet conviction is only part of the journey – the Scripture also asks us to lay down our lives, to die to the flesh, and to obey Him!

I have a brother-in-law who is extremely fit. He has a 6 pack, muscles, posture – obviously one who spends much time at the gym. I felt my strong 1 pack, my aching back and my slouched shoulders from being at the computer all day and told my brother-in-law that I want to transform my body into something like his – but I also did not want to change a single thing in my life.

So often, we take this same mentality and effort to God. He convicts us, shows us a better way, and reveals His wisdom. We take our conviction and say, “Yes Lord! Transform me! But I don’t want to change a thing…”.

I don’t think it works that way.

David was called a man after God’s own heart, but it doesn’t end there, it says that he would do everything God wants him to do

Acts 13:22
“After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do

David didn’t just live a life a conviction, he lives a life of conviction AND obedience. He made every effort in the guidance and wisdom God had given him.

Lifespring family, let us be people after God’s own heart. Let us be people who will do everything God wants us to do.
