Neuroscience and the Nativity

Neuroscience and the Nativity

Although they may seem like an unlikely pairing, I’ve learned some really valuable lessons from the combination of neuroscience and the nativity.

As our brain develops, especially in critical developmental stages such as childhood and early adolescence, it begins to create loads of different connections. Neurons fire off synapses like billions of teeny tiny fireworks in your brain!

Even after the brain has developed, your brain has the capacity to literally begin to change shape and to rework itself, based on newer, better and healthier pathways.

As we respond to Scripture, the same way, over and over and over again… or we hear Scripture repeated, over and over and over again… we begin to have neural pathways developed with those pieces of Scripture as well!

In some cases, this is great! Bible memorization can be a great example of helpful neuroplasticity. The verses we’ve memorized become a source of comfort and allow us to acknowledge God’s presence with us in difficult circumstances…

It can, however, also lead to us skipping over pieces of Scripture that are rich with the story of God… with our story with God and how we are all connected!! And sometimes we begin remembering it inaccurately or we understand it a certain way and need to give a big shout of praise when we realize neuroplasticity is a thing and we can begin to restructure and rebuild newer and stronger pathways in our brains around Scripture.

Case and point:

When I was younger I used to genuinely believe that I kept getting to play the role of Mary in our Christmas Plays, because I looked like her. “It’s so great that I look so much like Mary… who probably had long, blonde hair and blue eyes.”


Sorry Little Laura, there are some serious neural pathways that need to get re-wired. Hooray for neuroplasticity!

Although that’s a bit of a silly example, many of us have been/are in the midst of God showing us things in our lives that need to get reworked. Regardless of what kind of things God is rewiring in our brains, we can rest assured that it is taking place to heal us up and to redeem places of hurt.

God never removes something from our lives to be cruel or to replace it with something worse. What we receive instead will always be more life-giving and bring about more hope and trust in God.

As Christmas draws near and you find yourself reconsidering the Christmas story or you simply find yourself in difficult conversations with friends or family, pause for a moment and ask God what is happening beneath the surface. What kind of new pathways are being carved out in your mind?

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)