
Have you ever been at a lost for words as you realize that you have to say something in front of a bunch of people? I can confidently say I have, because it happened last Sunday when I was MCing.

I had nothing to say, and we were nearly at the last song, so I would be up really soon. I was getting ready to panic when I felt God saying, “You may have nothing, but I have everything. And I can do lots with the nothing you have.”

This can apply to other situations as well. We can think “What do I have to bring to the table”” or “What could God possibly do with this?”

I like to think of the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fish. 5 loaves and 2 fish in a crowd of thousands of hungry people is essentially nothing. But Jesus took those tiny loaves and fish and turned it into a feast with lots of leftovers.

If you ever feel like you got nothing useful to bring to the Lord, just remember that He can use anything – even what seems like nothing – to make something amazing.