
LifeSpring is so blessed. Look no further than to our Sunday speaker, Peggy Leung, who sits on the Board of Directors at Toronto LifeSpring and alongside her husband, Raymond, leads one of our LifeGroups. I have had the privilege of knowing Ray & Peggy for 10+ years now and their lives cry out genuine love for God and genuine care for others.

Peggy spoke on an extremely important topic that this world (and us) desperately needs. She spoke on peace. In spiritual warfare, we have learned that operating in opposite spirits is an effective tactic in weakening enemy footholds in our lives. When we look to peace as a spiritual weapon – we use peace to counter fear. The opposite of fear is peace. Whenever we face anxiety, worry, and all things fear – the antidote is peace!

Hear comes the problem though: I think everyone knows we need and want peace. However, to attain “peace” we do everything and anything except go to Prince of Peace Himself. Whenever we are faced with anxiety, worry, and stress we usually respond in 2 ways.

1.       We hide – we bury our head in the pillow, put a big blanket over us, close our eyes and just hope that time and luck will make our problems go away

2.       We fight – we try to control the situation. We put everything in order. We make our surroundings what we believe will bring about peace

But peace is not found in the absence of challenge – peace is not about external circumstances – peace comes from a dependence on God.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

Conflict and challenge in inevitable. But peace is attainable. You will not find peace in hiding, nor will you hide peace in control. Peace, Shalom, Eirene, can only be found in the Prince of Peace Himself. Go to the Lord, listen in prayer, surrender your will, obey what the Lord speaks – then trust in Him. Then peace that surpasses all understanding will find you.

May we, as the LifeSpring family, be a people that finds the Shalom/Eirene peace from the true source of peace. May we be a people that listen well and obey quickly – always going to the Lord and not running to the world.

Father, help us to keep our eyes and ears on you – even when everything arounds us shakes – may our focus be on You. Amen.