Peace, Shalom or Eirene

Peace, Shalom or Eirene

Dear LifeSpring Family,

This past Sunday, we were very late and missed Peggy’s sermon on Peace. Dorothy and I were coming from Orangeville where Rebecca and Steven live. We had the privilege of watching Andrew-Daniels’s summer soccer season kick off game.

Even before Sunday, I have been thinking about John 1:16-17 for this week’s devotion. 

For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 

So when I listened to Peggy’s sermon on Peace (Shalom in Hebrew and Eirene in Greek), it reminded me of John 1:16-17. For shalom to be a hallmark of one’s life, grace must be the foundation. In fact, not only grace, but “grace upon grace”. I am thankful that LifeSpring has a growing number of people who have chosen to accept and give “grace upon grace” to others around them.

This is only possible when we, as Peggy encouraged us, dwell in an intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

“For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” You cannot will peace from your own strength into your life if you are in relationships with people around you, for where there are people, there will be turmoil. You will have to draw upon the “fullness of our Lord Jesus Christ ” to receive and give “grace upon grace” to the people and relationships in your life. 

Grace upon grace,
