Pray Today

Sometimes God asks us to go to the ends of the earth, sometimes He asks us to serve, sometimes He wants us to lay our lives down. Sometimes God wants us to be still… and to pray.

Last week I was reminded of how the Israelites were protected in a time of plagues. Though there was hail, locusts, blood, and even first born deaths – Israel was protected. It was not because Israel planned or prepared correctly – it was simply the grace and mercy of God. At Lifespring we have been protected from this “plague” called Covid-19. Not because we are greater than others, but simply because of the grace and mercy of God.

The reality in the world is that there is a great deal of suffering. Take time today to pray for those you know who are in pain or are suffering. Pray for them by name. You may be the only person in this world praying for them by name.

Here are some prayer requests:

  1. Davidson Family: Blake (WPC Lead Pastor) daughter, Jade, has suffered 2 strokes in Africa. Pray for the family as hearts break and tears are shed.
  2. Fern Chapman: she is pastoring in a Native reserve called Eskasoni and a young lady (24 years old) just lost her life in a car accident. Pray for Fern as she ministers and the young woman’s family as they grieve
  3. Laura’s Grandmother: covid-19 impacts all of us. But the greatest impact is in the Long Term Care (LTC) Centres. Laura’s grandma has been diagnosed with covid and the entire LTC is suffering an outbreak. Pray for Laura’s grandma and all affected.
  4. Mike Reynos: continue to pray and thank God for Mike’s continual healing from his stroke. See the link as we celebrate him getting back motor skills in his body again.
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