Remember Who You Serve

Remember Who You Serve

Some of you may know that like to plan things out. Now, I don’t always execute things according to plan, but I like to have something ready to go, so I’m usually trying to visualize how things would work for future situations and events.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but when you’re trying to sit down and spend some time with the Lord, it is a distraction. I’ll have my Bible and notebook open, pen in hand, ready to read a chapter or two, and my mind will be a thousand miles away.

This has been a recurring theme over the past few months, but I didn’t pay much attention to it until about two weeks ago. I was trying to get in some quiet time with the Lord one Sunday morning, which happened to be the Kingdom Kids launch day. On top of the Kingdom Kids launch, the pastoral team was supposed to take photos right after service, Intercession was happening, and my family and I had dinner plans afterwards. It was going to be be a very full day, and, of course, I was going through everything that needed to be done in my head.

Somehow, I noticed that I had sat down clearly not doing devos for a while and finally realized that I had a problem. Because I didn’t really know what to do, I asked God to help me stop pulling hairs and just focus on Him. It was a fairly simple prayer, but even as I was praying, I felt my mind quiet down and God showed me a few things.

He reminded me to remember who I serve instead of what I do to serve. He reminded me of Mary and Martha. Martha was serving like crazy, and Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet.

Sometimes, we want to go above and beyond in our serving. That’s not a bad thing, by the way. I love seeing all the ways that LifeSpring lovingly goes above and beyond to serve others in refreshments, kids ministry, worship, hospitality, and so much more. However, when we get so wrapped up in serving, or work, or planning, or life, that it gets in the way of spending time with God, it’s not a good thing.

Martha was so busy, the Bible says “Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.” The King James Version says “Martha was cumbered about much serving.” (Luke 10:40) Cumbered means hinderance and/or burden. Martha went so fully overboard in her serving to the point where it became a burden to her.

In contrast, Jesus said

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

– Matthew 13:28-30 NKJV

God doesn’t want us for what we do. We are saved by grace, not works. God doesn’t want or need what we can do. He wants us. He wants us to come, learn from Him, and rest. Even though sitting, learning from Him, and “being unproductive” goes against most of our instincts and mindsets, that is what He values. As Jesus said,

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

– Luke 10:41-42 NKJV

This is the God who told us to seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (the things we need and worry about) will be added to us, the God who told us not to worry about tomorrow. (Matthew 6:31-34) This is the God we serve, the God who wants us to rest and to spend time Him, and the God who wants to know us and wants us to know Him. Isn’t that incredible?

Even though it feels like sometimes, nothing really happens, I’ve found it’s so worth it to set aside time with God. Somehow, things feel calmer and life doesn’t seem so hectic once I’ve spent some time, no matter how long or short, with the Lord. I like my quiet time with God early in the morning as it’s a great time to center myself around God and His word before the busyness of the day begins, but you can do whatever works best for you.

May we all learn to simply sit at the feet of Jesus and not let life consume us with worries and busyness. May we learn to choose that good part, which shall not be taken away from us.

Lord, help us not to let the worries of life choke out our relationship with you. Help us to be rooted in you, to put aside our worries, responsbilities – even serving – aside and just be like Mary, sitting at your feet and learning from you. We want to give you our full attention. In Jesus’ name, Amen.