Seasons of Change

As the Pastoral Team finishes reading Pastor Perry Soh’s Book Season’s of Change, I can’t help but reflect on the season of change that is happening around us. This book is not only topical for the season we are in but I believe it will help prepare us for what God has in store for us in 2021.

As a Christmas gift from the Church we have blessed its members with a copy of the book, which I encourage everyone to take the time to read. It is not only the story of Perry’s life but it also highlights how Lifespring came to be.

Don’t worry this is not a book review.

I believe that in order for Lifespring to move forward we need to appreciate where we have come from. In order to know what to do in one season, we need to see what God did in another. I understand that in the book, the story of Lifespring is told through Perry’s lens but there are many of you who have lived through the stories and have stories of your own.

I’m not saying you should all write a book, but if you choose to, just know that for Christmas you’re all getting a copy for the next ten years. Just kidding but seriously, share your story with someone. You’ll never know how much it can impact a person’s life.

I grew up in the church for most of my life and didn’t know all that was going on around me. From the words spoken over the church to the trails our leaders endured. I am living on the fruit of their labour and I’m truly grateful for being a part of such an impactful body of Christ. What an honor to be called a member of Lifespring! (Yes I do have extra shirts, if you were wondering). But just like real fruit, when you eat from it, it has seeds on the inside that are ready to be sown back into the soil. So the next time you walk into church or think about how much you’ve been blessed by those in Lifespring, consider sowing some of those seeds back into the people so generations to come will one day have fruit of their own.

My challenge to you all is when you receive the book to actually read it. Doesn’t sound like a challenge but I’m speaking to those people who have a bookshelf filled with books that they haven’t touched (Yes I’m Guilty). Also for you all to reflect on your own journey in Lifespring. Many have been with the church from the start, some have joined in the middle and others are new. You need to know that without YOU, Lifespring would just be a name.

There is much to be thankful for, beyond COVID-19. As we look ahead to 2021, let us posture our hearts with gratitude to receive what God has for us. What a Season of Change…