Set Up

Exodus 40 – Setting Up the Tabernacle, as the title states, is on the setting up of the Tabernacle and upon completion the glory of the Lord falling upon it. It gives us a detailed account of how the Lord wanted Moses to set up the Tabernacle and what exact he needed to do. Moses was setting up all the pieces that were required from the Lord for the Tabernacle. He was diligent in his setting up of the Tabernacle, making sure that everything he did was just as the Lord commanded. This caused me to consider how much setting up I do when I try to enter into God’s presence. I don’t mean dimming the lights and setting a candle, no; what I mean is, what do I do to set up my heart, mind and body to receive what God wants to give me.

Understandably, I recognize that we don’t need to do all that jazz because of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it really puts into perspective the reverence Moses and the people working on the Tabernacle had, for the Lord. To be able to follow the commands the Lord had told Moses, from the building of the pieces to their arrangement in the Tabernacle, required a healthy fear of the Lord and obedience.

Like, does it really matter where the basin is positioned? Maybe it does? Maybe it doesn’t? But if at the end of all of that setting up, they chose to only do 99% of what God asked, is it worth it not having the presence of God dwelling among us? I’d say probably not. I’d hate to be that guy incharge of moving the basin.

I think sometimes we lose sight of how precious it is to be in the presence of God and how much it took for the people to be able to have God dwell among them. I think it’s because of the “easy” access we have to God through Jesus Christ. I’m guilty of this many times over but what really helps me to refocus, is understanding what Moses and the people had to build just to have the Presence of God dwell among them. Jesus had to die so that our bodies can become a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and that Christ may be able to live in and among us once again.

I believe God gave us the ultimate “set up” through his son Jesus, for us to have an intimate relationship with Him, to experience Him and to live in His presence.

I’m not suggesting that we go back to building a Tabernacle or practicing some sacred traditions. What I’m suggesting is that we consider our set up. Like, have we set up intentional time to hear from God? Have we set up our lives in a way that gives God the ability to speak into it? Are we set up to do the things God has commanded us to do or are we set up to do what we want to do? Is there room in our hearts for God to come dwell in us? Do we need to rearrange things in our lives in order to make room for God? But most importantly… Are we willing to do what the Lord has commanded of us?

Father, I thank you for direct access to your heart and your presence through your son Jesus. I pray that we would not take what Jesus did for us on the cross for granted, but we would be in awe of you and how much you love us. I pray that we would posture our hearts in reverence of you so that we can be obedient to the things you are asking of us. I pray that you would give us hearts that are willing to do your will. I pray that we would set up our lives with you at the center. I pray that as we make every effort to grow in maturity, that your grace would cover us in the process. We pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen!