
Dear LifeSpring Family

As mentioned before, Dorothy and I are participating in Power To Change’s fasting during this season of Lent. Today is day 21 of the fast and the reminder to us is the need to relax in the Lord. 

“So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.

Hebrews 4:9-10 ESV

God wants you to enjoy what is called a “Sabbath rest,” which is taking time to step away from the daily schedule and have some down time with Him. Some people spend part of a day focused on the Lord every month or so to do just that. He also gives us a reminder weekly to rest in Him on the Sabbath day, which for Christians is usually Sunday (though some do this from Friday evening to Saturday evening because they serve in their church on Sunday).

This rest involves an awareness of being in the sacred presence of God to worship and praise Him for who He is and the creation He has made. This time of rest points you to the eternal rest He’s promised for all who trust in Him. 

As Augustine prayed, “My heart, Lord, does not rest until it rests in Thee.”

With all the unrest and busyness that is around us and in our world, it is a challenge to into our “Sabbath rest”. But that is exactly why we need to be intentional of our “Sabbath rest” because of the unrest and busyness around us.