Thank You

What an amazing privilege it is to have Uncle Perry & Aunty Catherine speak to the Lifespring family. A couple who truly loves God and loves others. They have been at Lifespring from the very start – they have seen the brightest moments of our family history and have lived through the darkest moments of our past as well.

Perry spoke specifically on 3 major areas he felt the Lord wanted Lifespring to hear:

  1. Affirm God’s Call & People
  2. Encourage the Sons & Daughters
  3. Inspire the Lifespring Family

As Perry was speaking the Lord gripped my spirit. I felt a tremendous affirmation, encouragement, and inspiration within me. The Lord started showing me how amazingly precious it is to receive the affirmation and encouragement of parents and grandparents.

Everytime I cheer on Justus in swimming class he seems to be able to push himself a little further. Everytime he comes up for air he always looks for me and from behind a glass wall I have my hands up, giving him a thumbs up, and mouthing “You the man!”. Everytime I encourage and affirm Hope and Mercy that they are wonderful dancers and so cute/pretty/smart they dance even faster or they run towards me with a big hug and a kiss.

As Perry spoke, I felt like my children feel when their parents cheer them on.

Perry & Catherine are grandparents in the house of Lifespring. They deserve honour, respect, and care. Yet instead of asking for it – they continue to affirm, encourage, and inspire the Lifespring family.

Sometimes life is hard: it can be tiring, frustrating, even feeling hopeless at times. Just know you have a church family that is cheering you on, praying for you, sowing into you… you have a Kingdom Family of parents and grandparents that desire to see you succeed and grow in the ways God has called you and wants you to go beyond whatever you dreamed or imagined.

Just know we Genuinely Care for Others.

Reach out to your Lifegroup leader, reach out to the pastoral team, reach out to someone – but lets cheer each other on today.

If you are reading this, pray for someone. Ask God to put people on your heart and spend time listening and praying for them. Cheer them on.