The Faster’s High

The Faster’s High

Okay everyone.

Day 21 of our January Church Fast is upon us… well, approximately day 21 for those of us who… had a delayed start date (like I did with social media).
I can confirm from my experience so far, it is better late than never! J

If you’d still like to join in for the last ten days of January, you are more than welcome to do so!!

I’ve been noticing that the more I fast/the longer I fast, the more I’m actually hearing God speak! An important step called: Quit Complaining does need to take place first.

When we are able to own our fasting decisions and even learn to take delight in the fact we are seeking God together, we really do begin to see a shift take place.

I’ve heard about this thing called “The Runner’s High” (believe it or not, I’ve even experienced it for myself!). It’s when someone is running/jogging and they pass a certain point of challenge and hit a pace they’re able to maintain easily! Their body has settled into the running and doesn’t feel as tired; some people feel like they could run forever when they get to this place.

I’m discovering that there seems to be a Faster’s High too… Withdrawal has likely passed by now; we’ve become more accustomed to not scrolling around on our phones as much and perhaps our trips to stare longingly in the fridge have begun to lessen as well. The next part is the best part… it becomes easier to hear God’s voice throughout the day; our sensitivity to the Spirit increases and our life begins to show the fruit!

In John 4, Jesus sits by a well and has a conversation with a Samaritan woman. Not only does he show her that he knows about her life, they discuss theology and, for the first time, Jesus reveals that he truly is the Messiah.

“Meanwhile his disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.”
But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”
Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?”

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. 
Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’?
 I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 
(John 4:31-35)

I love this story so much because it’s almost comical to see how different the disciples and Jesus were seeing the current moment. The disciples were concerned about how Jesus hadn’t eaten anything yet and the last thing on Jesus’ mind was food.

He had just had SUCH an incredible encounter with this woman and probably knew that an entire town of Samaritans were about to encounter the love of his Father through the testimony of this woman!

My prayer for each of us at Lifespring, is that we might find moments and times in our lives, fasting or otherwise, where we are purely satisfied and fulfilled by being about the work and will of God. That we would be able to see what God is doing around us; seeing things from a heavenly perspective!

Father, as we begin to draw near to the end of this church fast,
we ask that you would draw near to us even closer!

Holy Spirit, we welcome your work and invite you to speak – we want to hear
what you’re saying!

We want to join you in the work of reconciling this world to you, Jesus, thank you for your example to us…

May our complaining fall to the ground as we find our satisfaction, delight and fill from doing your will, O God.
