The New

As we say “goodbye to summer” and “hello to fall,” I am reminded that when one season comes to an end another season begins. For some of us we might be going back to school, starting a new job, or even taking on new responsibilities and tasks. For others it might be taking a break, going on vacation or discovering something new. 

For most people, starting something new always comes with challenges. I remember going through a busy season of writing papers and doing exams. I was getting so busy and used to doing so many things that when the season was over and it was time to rest, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I also remember going on vacation and coming back home struggling to get myself back into work mode after going so long without doing anything.

Transitioning from whatever season you are in to the next is always going to involve some type of stress and challenge, simply because it is new. We often equate this stress and challenge to growth, as the process of growth requires a certain level of stress and challenge (stimulus) from the previous state in order to change and adjust to the new state you are in. 

LifeSpring is heading into a new season. We have new Board members, Deacons, Elders and LifeGroup Leaders. Our children and Youth ministries are ramping up again for the school year, and we are creating more opportunities to genuinely love God and genuinely care for others.

If you are familiar with doing anything new, you know that it often requires a lot more time and work to be put in compared to something you are familiar with. From learning new things to serving in new ways, you tend to get busy because of the added efforts it takes to adjust to the new.

What I want to encourage you to do in this new season is to continue to pray.

I came across a famous quote by Mother Teresa that goes “if you’re too busy to pray, you’re too busy.” 

It’s not meant to be deep by any means but rather a simple reality that we tend to overlook and fall into. 

I am not telling you this to get you to join intercessions on Sundays and Wednesday but rather to let you know that we are entering into a new season and for some, it might be busier than the last.

I am learning to use prayer as a gauge for the busyness of my life.

I often have to ask myself:

Am I praying less but doing more? 

Am I too busy to pray or am I just too busy?

I am reminded of Luke 5:16 (NIV) that says “16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” 

My prayer for all of us in this New season is that we would be like Jesus and often withdraw to places to pray. Whether it be praying on Sunday and Wednesday Intercessions, going for a walk and praying or even taking an extra couple of minutes to pray in the car before you get out. Whatever it may be may we never get too busy to pray to our Heavenly Father and forget that all we do is for His glory.