The Power Of Grace

The Power Of Grace

He said to me, “My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness.”

– 2 Corinthians 12:9

When I was in my twenties, my favourite movie series was Marvel’s The Avengers. I remember the first Avengers movie being released around the time I got married, and I think that year I watched the movie at least three or four times! By the end of the series, they had introduced a megavillian named Thanos. Thanos was such a threat because he sought ultimate power and control. He was determined to find a way to control the whole universe, from time and space to souls and energy.

When we think of the idea of having power in the world, we often think of characters like Thanos. We think of power as the ability to control things in life, or to be able to influence others, or to have worldly prestige and authority. Our ability to influence and control our circumstances and gain earthly honor is often how we think about power. But I think things function very differently in the kingdom of God.

Last Sunday, I spoke on the topic of the upside-down kingdom. The idea behind the upside-down kingdom is that many aspects of the kingdom of God work almost opposite to the ways of the world. I think this is especially true when it comes to the issue of power.

One of the biggest lessons that I’m learning is that the greatest power on earth is actually the power of the grace of God. The grace of God is a powerful thing. I think Paul touches on the power of grace in 2 Corinthians 12. Paul talks about a thorn in his body that was allowed so that Paul wouldn’t become conceited. He asks God to take this thorn away, and God responds in verse 9, “My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness.”

Power is made perfect in weakness. No idea could be more upside-down than that! We often think of power as being the opposite of weakness. Power in the world is the ultimate strength. But Paul is saying something completely upside-down in claiming that power is made perfect in weakness.

I think we see the grace of God most in response to our weaknesses and limitations in life. To me, the grace of God functions like the most powerful “even though” in our lives. Even though we may be inadequate for a task, the grace of God is present and allows us to complete it. Even though we are too weak to do what God has asked us to do, God gives us the grace and strength to do it. Even though we are not qualified to do something God has spoken to us, God qualifies us and makes us able. 

The grace of God is the kind of power that defies all the odds. There is no circumstance or situation that is too difficult for the grace of God to fulfill. There is no weakness we may have that the grace of God cannot make into a strength. The grace of God overcomes all the odds and all limitations so that the will of God comes to pass. It is as if once God says yes, and we say yes, there is no power on heaven or earth that can stop the grace of God from filling in the rest. The grace of God is the most powerful thing on earth.

LIfeSpring, when we commit to being obedient to God, and to putting our ear to the Lord, I truly believe the power of God’s grace will fill the entire situation. What we need are willing hearts that will say yes to God in every circumstance.