The Step Back

In basketball the “step back” is a move used by basketball players to create enough space between the defender and themselves in order to get their shot off without getting blocked.

The step back is not only a good basketball move but a good tool for growth. The step back I’m referring to is taking a step back from a situation/circumstance/conflict/issue/person etc.

Similarly, like a step back in basketball, the step back gives you enough space between the situation/circumstance/conflict/issue/person and yourself so that you can see things differently in hopes of finding different options to solve a situation/circumstance/conflict/issue/person etc. (scoring).

I like to begin most years with a time of reflection. Taking a “step back” from the year and reading my 2021 journal to see how things were and what came out of them, the good and the bad. This is not meant to be a rushed experience but a time for you to see what God was doing in your life and where we need to make the necessary adjustments, prompted by the convictions of the Holy Spirit, in order to be where God wants us to be.

I encourage you to take a Step Back from all the noise, all the goals, and all the things that are begging for your attention.