The Whole LifeSpring Family

The Whole LifeSpring Family

It was such an amazing time at the Family Weekend – so many gems, so many challenges, and yet so encouraged as we continue to walk this journey of faith together.

Spending time with our speaker the entire week, there was a common thread that he kept mentioning in everything we did. He felt that no matter where he went and who he met, it always felt like family. Part of the Kingdom DNA God has put in the LifeSpring Family is to be a Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others. As I observed throughout the Family Weekend, I saw a glimpse of it in action.

As we welcomed guests who brought their children, I saw the LifeSpring children embrace strangers and welcome them into the family. There was a young lady who was supposed to visit for one day, but ended up staying the entire time, begging her father not to leave! This family even wants to drive from Hamilton to Toronto on Sundays. Our children carry the DNA of the house – a Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others.

I saw Wildfire connect with the children, the adults, and even the grandparent generation. I went to check on the building late at night to ensure it was closed properly and I found all of Wildfire playing Mahjong and other card games. They were teaching a random student from Redeemer how to play and he joined them! Our Wildfire carry the DNA of the house – a Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others.

I saw the Parent generation organize the entire Family Weekend, take care of worship, engage the speaker, care for each other, setup, and teardown, simply doing what we always do. I saw the parent generation carry the DNA of the house – A Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others.

I saw the grandparent generation bless everyone, playing with grandchildren, praying for parents, and blessing our speaker. Our speaker lost his father at a young age and is rejected by his mother. I don’t think we realize how much it really means to him to have the grandparent generation encourage, pray, and bless him. I saw the grandparent generation carry the DNA of the house – A Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others.

We have something so amazing here at LifeSpring. The Kingdom Family is a little taste of heaven here on earth. It is too good to keep to ourselves and it is something the Lord is asking us to give to this world. It will come with challenge, and I honestly don’t know steps or a plan on how to do it, but the Lord’s will always prevails. The world needs Kingdom Family. Let us freely give what we have freely received.