
Waiting, at times, can be one of the most frustrating and difficult assignments.

Waiting for the small things – food that is late, service that is slow, people being late for a meeting – these often bring up moments of frustration!

Waiting for the big things – waiting for a prodigal to return, waiting for a loved one to experience and receive the Love of God, waiting for our desires – trust can be a difficult assignment.

No matter where we are in the journey of waiting, we recognize that patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, PATIENCE, kindness…). It is part of the maturity process and something we all need to continue to Make Every Effort to grow in.

Ask God to speak to you as you review the highlights of Leona’s message below.

Waiting is not…

  • Thinking of all the possible scenarios that could happen
  • Taking matters into your own hands
  • Being idle and hiding in a hole until things magically get better

Waiting is…

  • Trusting God in the process, that He is in control
  • Actively praying and interceding for God to breakthrough our situation
  • Learning to accept the current reality and move on (not dwelling on it)

What we learn from waiting…

  • He is in control. His ways are not our ways His timing is not our timing.
  • Maintain a positive attitude
  • Focus on things that are eternal
  • Grow in character
  • Experience Joy

Practical things to do when waiting

  • Find joy during the tough times
  • Learn to breathe, slow down and enjoy the moment
  • Take an inventory of all the things to be thankful for
  • Pray and ask others to pray with you
  • Serve others

Pray the serenity prayer as a closing:
O God, give us the serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what can be changed, and the wisdom to know the one from the other. Amen.