Water for Life

“You Just Never Know” was the concluding words of our guest speaker, Mike Woodard of Global Aid Network (aka. Jerry’s boss”).

As Mike shared about the impact of what a clean source of water can do – I couldn’t help but be reminded of our very first water project in Rubongi, Uganda. You just never know what kind of impact it can make. You just never know what God will do with small steps of obedience.

When we installed a rainwater harvesting system in Rubongi, Uganda – the idea and vision was simple. Provide a place for the people to get clean water. Yet God had much greater plans for this simple act of obedience.

Once the water system was in place – widows were able to start organic farms as a means for income for their family – a primary school was birthed in the church building – a compassion Canada site was established – a secondary school was birthed!

You Just Never Know.

As a family of Lifespring, let us listen well and obey quickly. We are not responsible for the result, we are responsible for the obedience.