What Is Your Perception Quotient?

What Is Your Perception Quotient?

Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

“Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.

  1. The past could stop you from moving forward. Don’t dwell on it! Whether failure or glory. To dwell on something is to think or talk about it for a long time, and repetitively. (adapted from merriam-webster.com) This signifies a fixation or inability to get out of it. Some people have been prisoners of their past for years! One of my favourite posters says – Don’t judge me by my past. I don’t live there anymore! Even God doesn’t live there. His name is “I AM” not “I WAS!” (Exodus 3:14)
  2. The past could stop you from perceiving (be aware or conscious of) the new thing God is doing. He is always making something new. Revelations 21:5a – He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”

We serve a creative God. He has a plan and He is moving forward with His plan. Nothing can stop Him! We need to move in pace with Him.

In spite of the pandemic, we are seeing new developments emerging. E.g. Before the pandemic, only a few churches have services online. Now? Every church has to learn to go online. Although churches have the challenge of holding services in a new way, something good is coming alongside. Most churches find their number of participants soared, even having people from different nations. And some find their ministry touching those who are isolated, invalids, single parents, etc., a whole new group of audience that would otherwise be neglected. And some actually see an increase in the number of salvations.

  1. God not only shows us possibilities that are ahead if we trust in Him – He also promises we shall see the impossible becoming possible!
    Making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland is His specialty. And He wants us to see and experience it. However, many of His people don’t. We have a tendency to resist the new. Why? We agree with fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of losing control. Fear of failure… What if this happens? What if that happens? The list goes on … Consequently, we prefer to remain where we are, settling for less.

2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (NKJ)
Take note that “fear” is a “spirit” and it’s not from God. When we accept fear, we lose the power of God, His love and a sound mind. Down the road, we also lose the intended blessings and eventually the destiny of God.

  1. We need to be alert. Ask God what is the new thing that He is doing? What is He preparing us for?

From Rodney’s sharing of his word for Life-Spring during one of the intercession meetings, it’s obvious that the revival is coming. * This means the harvest is coming! What I received from the Lord is to be part of the harvest. If we want to be part of it, we definitely need to prepare.

Right at the end of last Sunday’s message (Nov 15), Gabe was exhorting the church to get ready; to prepare. I believe He’s spot on!

These are some of his words – I felt God is encouraging Life-Spring to get ready. Prepare what you need to prepare in your spirit today. We don’t get to decide when to flow down the river. But you will flow down the river. I felt the Lord says: Prepare your spirit, ways, mind and body. When God calls, it’s not to wait; it’s LET’S GO!

In the earlier part of Gabe’s message, he also mentioned that God doesn’t want us to stay in status quo, God will take us into places that will be scary because His Holy Spirit will increase in every measure. He prayed for Life-Spring to be in the centre of His will, not to operate in our way, but in His way. And asking God to put a holy discontent in our hearts, that we will be people so hungry for God that status quo will not be for us.

Questions: What do you perceive God is doing in your life right now? Has the pandemic situation changed you for better or worse, in terms of character or your way of handling challenges?

Prayer: Father, help me to prepare, to be ready, and in whatever way You want me to do so. Make me Your willing vessel, make me an offering. Make me whatever You want me to be. I lay down my old flame and carry Your new fire today. May You bring new wine out of me! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Song: New Wine

*Note: If you want the full script of Rodney’s sharing, email me at anitapray2020@gmail.com I will send it to you.