Where do you find peace?

Where do you find peace?

This week as I was reading the word, I came across a verse in Romans 3:17(NLT) that said “They don’t know where to find peace.” As I sat there asking myself, where do you find peace? I was reminded of something Donna said last Sunday. She talked about Naioth – the dwelling place – a place of refuge, safety and comfort for Samuel and David.

I believe that when we search for peace we will find it in the dwelling place. There is a peace that is experienced in His presence. Words cannot express how you feel. It’s as if everything is going to be okay.

As we enter into this province wide lockdown, where history seems to be repeating itself, and what looks like taking two steps forward and three steps back, I ask you all “Where do you find your peace?” When things don’t go according to your plan and don’t look like what you thought it would, where do you go? Who do you run to?

I personally had many plans for the Christmas/New Years holidays but when it all started falling apart I felt really sad and disappointed. Frustrated at the circumstances I was facing, not understanding what God was doing/trying to show me, I tried to avoid Him. Doing everything I could to not spend time with God, I felt no peace in my heart. When I could sense my heart hardening I decided to go seek God and hear what He has to say. When I spent some time with Him, entering into that dwelling place where it was just God and myself, I began to receive peace. A peace in my heart that God knows what’s best for me and has something better in mind. A peace that only being in the presence of God can bring. This was where I needed to run to, this was where I needed to be.

My prayer for Lifespring is that we would learn to run into the dwelling place of God. Whatever the case may be, busyness, frustration, anger, offence, whatever you are going through right now, let us practice what Psalms 37:7(NLT) says “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act…”

Father I thank you for your son Jesus. Our lives have been bought by the price of His death so that we may be able to receive your peace. God I pray that we would learn to run into your dwelling place in times of trouble and chaos. I pray that we would seek and find safety, refuge and comfort for our souls in your presence. Teach us how to be still in your presence and wait on you God. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.