Who Helps You?

Dear LifeSpring Family,

It is good to be home after 3 weeks of traveling on missions in Thailand and Singapore. Of course, international travel these days poses unique challenges, and flying out of and back to Pearson International Airport with all its recent challenges requires faith. Faith that your flight does not get canceled and/or your luggage ends up in a different airport in the world.  

The faith that Dorothy and I have is encouraged by the scripture that the pastoral team memorized together. It is found in Isaiah 41:13 ESV. 

“For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, 
“Fear not, I am the one who helps you.

While we took all the necessary steps to ensure that our flights and journey would be smooth and successful, we knew that there were things that were out of our control. We rested on knowing that ultimately, it is God who “holds your right hand” and it is God who is “the one who helps you”. 

Our flights out and back to Pearson International Airport went without any hiccups. All of our luggage arrived with us both in Singapore and Toronto without any problems. In fact, on our way home, we even had a very fragile odd-sized (artwork gift) checked luggage. We were very concerned about it surviving the trip from Singapore to Toronto. Guess what? God is “the one who helps us”. Please come by and take a look at the artwork.

How about you? Will you let go and acknowledge that the “Lord your God” is ultimately in charge? Will you allow Him to hold your “right hand”? Will you choose Him over fear? 

Blessings and see you all this Sunday.