Who’s Side Are You On?

Who’s Side Are You On?

Dear LifeSpring Family,

As I am writing this devotion, my thoughts wander to what is happening in Ottawa. To the residents of Ottawa and to the protestors in Ottawa. I am also reminded of the passage in Joshua 5:13-15 that Pastor Alvin shared with us in our weekly MissionGTA prayer meeting.

13 And then this, while Joshua was there near Jericho: He looked up and saw right in front of him a man standing, holding his drawn sword. Joshua stepped up to him and said, “Whose side are you on—ours or our enemies’?”

14 He said, “Neither. I’m commander of God’s army. I’ve just arrived.” Joshua fell, face to the ground, and worshiped. He asked, “What orders does my Master have for his servant?”

15 God’s army commander ordered Joshua, “Take your sandals off your feet. The place you are standing is holy.”

Joshua did it. (The Message)

As Joshua was preparing to attack Jericho, he encountered The Commander of the Lord’s Army. Joshua’s mindset was us or they. The Commander of the Lord’s Army’s focus was God’s holiness. I am challenged to take the time, no, to immerse myself in the holiness of our triune God before I even ask the question of myself. Whose side am I on, ours or our “enemies”?