After hearing Jerry’s Message on Biblical Thanksgiving, the story he shared of Mr. Wong and giving thanks in all circumstances seemed to resonate with me. Just like Mr. Wong, I found myself looking at some of the blessings in my life as curses. Being swayed by the circumstance rather than giving thanks to God.
In the context of blessings, I was reminded of how so easily our blessings can be viewed as a curse when we lose our gratitude. What once gave me joy, gives me a headache. What I got excited about, now makes me anxious.
Let me give you an example, I’ve taken on the challenge of moving into a new place and getting married in the same month. Jen and I have prayed and searched for this new place and it has met all our requirements, truly a blessing from God. Jen and I have also prayed about getting married and throughout the planning process God has really shown his favor and blessings over us.
But what was initially a blessing at times turned into a curse. The process of finding a place came with more doors closed than ones that opened, the inconveniences of paper work were too many to count and what we desperately prayed to God for, we desperately wanted to get rid of. We were being swayed left and right by our raw emotions, our obstacles and roadblocks and unmet expectations.
Jerry reminded us that we don’t give thanks in most circumstances, nor do we give thanks in some circumstances. But God calls us to give thanks in ALL circumstances.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
So what changed? My attitude changed! My gratitude changed!
Just like Mr. Wong in the story the blessing became a curse and the curse then went back to being a blessing and the cycle kept going. But God is calling us to Maturity. To not be swayed by the circumstances of our lives but to give thanks to God for all that He’s done. God knows what you need more than you because He sees all of eternity.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I want to share with you a quote that I’ve heard that helps me cultivate gratitude. The quote goes “There’s someone praying for your problems.”
There are people in the world that would love to have the privilege of being able to afford to look for a new place. There are tons of single people and even dating couples who would love to get married but can’t right now. The “problems” I have today I once prayed for! But I lost sight of the blessing in the process.
I’m sure many of you can think of things that were once seen as blessings but are now viewed as curses. Let us renew our minds by giving thanks to God and allow Him to show us once again how blessed we really are!
Father, I pray that we would never lose sight of a blessing you have given us. In the midst of unforeseeable circumstances, I pray that you would help us to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in ALL circumstances. Transform our hearts and renew our minds so that we can receive all that you have for us. In Jesus’ name, we pray Amen!